Important: A licensed electrician must carry out all electrical work on your spa. Any electrical information included here, whether it is troubleshooting or other instructions, is provided for use by a licensed electrician only. Local electrical codes supersede any information found here.
Why Are My Spa Jets or Pump Surging?
Is your spa pump surging? Learn the common causes, including low water levels and dirty filters, and discover simple solutions to restore smooth performance.

In this article, we’ll explore the reasons behind spa jets or pump surging, explain how to troubleshoot the problem and help you decide when to call a professional.
Key Takeaways:
- Low water levels can cause pump surging by preventing proper water flow.
- Dirty filters starve the pump of water, resulting in irregular jet performance.
- Debris clogging the pump or plumbing can obstruct water flow, causing jets to surge.
- Regular maintenance of water levels and filter cleaning can resolve most surging issues.
- Consult a spa technician if troubleshooting steps do not resolve the problem.
What Are Spa Jets and Pumps For?
Spa jets and pumps are essential components of your spa’s hydrotherapy system. Together, they work to circulate water, creating the soothing massage effect that spa users enjoy.
Spa Jets
Spa jets are designed to release water and air at high pressure, creating a therapeutic massage effect.

They are strategically placed around the spa to target specific body areas, such as the back, neck, and legs, relieving muscle tension and stress. The water pressure from the jets can be adjusted to suit individual preferences, making them a key feature of the spa experience.
Spa Jet Pump
There are three key pump types.

A circulation pump is designed to only pull water through the filter and heater.
Learn more about circulation pumps in our detailed article below.

A two-speed pump does what a circulation pump does but also powers the jets when switched to high speed.
Learn more about two-speed pumps in our detailed article below.

Lastly, there is a jet pump, which is connected only to the filtration and suction system and then to the jets. Its sole purpose is to drive the jets.
What causes my spa jets or pump to surge?
Spa pump surging occurs when water is pumped out of the jets inconsistently or with interruptions. There are several reasons this might happen:
1. Low Water Level
The most common cause of pump surging is insufficient water in your spa. If the water level is too low, the pump cannot draw enough water, which leads to irregular flow through the jets. Check the water level and refill if necessary.
- Monitor your spa's water level regularly and top it up as needed.
- Ensure that the water covers the suction points, filters and jets.
2. Dirty Filters
Filters trap debris and impurities, but when they become clogged, water flow is hindered, which can cause surging in some pump configurations.
Dirty filters prevent the pump from getting the necessary water supply making the spa act like it has a low water level and leading to inconsistent jet pressure.
- Inspect and clean your spa filters regularly.
- If you suspect the filter is causing the surging, try removing it to see if the jets return to normal.
- If they do, it’s time to clean or replace the filter.
Please note: Jet Surging due to dirty filters should not occur if the spa complies with Australian/New Zealand standards, as secondary suction points are in place to maintain water flow. Vortex™ and Fisher™ spas have Safety Suction that adheres to these standards, ensuring that dirty filters will not cause surging.
Learn more about spa filters, including detailed steps for cleaning them.
3. Clogged Debris in the Pump or Plumbing Line
Although more rare, we have seen it all and surging can be caused by something stuck in the plumbing.
This may include debris such as leaves, twigs, towels, spa scrubbies clothes or other foreign objects that block the flow of water. Blockages in the plumbing or pump itself can restrict the water supply, resulting in surging.
- Check the pump and plumbing lines for obstructions.
- Clear out any debris found in the system to restore proper water flow.
- If you are going to remove your filters, always make sure there is nothing in the spa that can get sucked into the spa plumbing.
When to Call a Spa Technician
If you’ve checked the water level, cleaned the filters, and removed any visible debris but your spa jets are still surging, it may be time to contact a spa technician and fix any more complex issues that might be causing the surging.
In Summary
We hope this article has helped you understand the common causes of surging in your spa jets or pumps.
If your spa pump is still surging after following these steps, contact a professional spa technician to diagnose and repair the issue. Keeping your spa in good working order will ensure a relaxing and stress-free experience every time.
Got more questions? We’re here to help!